No percentage fees – that’s our promise

Don’t be ripped off by expensive percentage charges.

Our prices are based on the service you need and not how much you get back

Tax Refunds
Student Visa Holders Fee
Basic Tax Refund (1 or 2 jobs) $99
Standard Tax Refund (3 + jobs) $139
Working Holiday 417 and 462 Visa Holders Fee
Basic Tax Refund (1 or 2 jobs) $110
Standard Tax Refund (3 + jobs) $140
Pay Later option attracts a $40 administration fee

Superannuation Refunds
All Fee
Standard Superannuation Refund – TWSuper fund $99
Electronic Superannuation Refund (Australian super, Essential, BT, REST, Kinetic super) $130
Manual Superannuation Refund (all other funds) $190
Pay Later option attracts a $40 administration fee

If electronic lodgement is impossible, the manual application fee applies


Be very careful of companies who charge their fee as a percentage of your refund. This can end up costing you $500+ and you won't know you have been ripped off until it's too late!

Our prices are based on the services you need and not on how much money you get back. To keep our prices sharp we have designed a package that ensures all stages of your tax return are handled professionally and you are up to date with all key milestones.

You will love our prices as we want you to be happy

Tax and Super Refunds

What's included:
  • Once you apply we will email or call you to confirm we have received everything
  • We lodge your application and send you a confirmation email
  • Once your refund has been received from the ATO we will transfer the refund into your nominated account.

We are tailoring our services to the clients' needs, hence other relevant fees may apply. Please refer to our terms for further details.

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